Liturgical Ministry

To view weekend ministry schedules for all ministries, visit the ministry schedule log-in page. These schedules are password protected.

Altar Servers
Contact: Msgr. Stephan Moloney,, 614-451-4290

PSR and St. Andrew School students in the fifth grade and older are eligible to become Altar Servers.  Servers assist the celebrant at Saturday and Sunday Masses, Holy Day liturgies, funerals, weddings, and other liturgies as needed. St. Andrew school students assist the celebrant at daily 8:30 a.m. Mass. Adult parishioners serve at the daily 6:30 a.m. Mass.

Altar Server training is usually offered in the fall and in the spring of each year.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Contact: Dan Dowler (See your Parish Guide and Directory for contact information)

Confirmed parishioners, 16 years of age or older, can assist in the distribution of Communion at Mass to the homebound and nursing home residents. Training is provided at St. Andrew twice a year.

Choir & Music Ministries
Contact: Philip Lortz, Music Director,, 451-1839

  • The Parish Choir provides music for the 9 a.m. Sunday Mass (September-June), as well as other Holy Days and special occasions. Open to singers ages 18 and older, rehearsals are typically held on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. While music reading ability is helpful, it is not required to become a choir member. You must be able to match pitch, be available for rehearsals and liturgies, and desire to help others pray and praise God through music.
  • Resurrection (Funeral) Choir serves the parish by singing for our parish funerals. This choir is a great option for those who enjoy singing and have some flexibility with their daytime (especially morning) schedules but cannot fully commit to the Sunday choir. The choir rehearses in the choir loft, typically on the first Wednesday of the month (in the fall and spring) at 9:30 a.m. New members are always welcome to join us.
  • Handbell and Chime Choir is a supplemental music ministry that rings music composed or arranged specifically for handbells. This choir may ring as its own ensemble or complement the full singing choir or a cantor. No previous handbell experience is needed, but a basic knowledge of music reading is helpful. This adult choir usually practices on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. We are currently working on a student handbell choir. If you want to join this choir, please contact Music Director Phil Lortz before attending a practice.
  • Cantors play an important leadership role in our sung prayer by proclaiming the Word in the sung Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation. Cantors must be able to attend various Masses and learn new music fairly quickly. They must also be confident singers and have a prayerful presence. Typically, the music director selects these singers from one of the parish choral groups listed above.

Contact: Cathy Covarrubias (See your Parish Guide and Directory for contact information)

Parishioners proclaim the Word through scripture readings daily, on Saturdays, Sundays, and during Holy Day liturgies.

Liturgy Committee
Contact: Gary Pandora (See your Parish Guide and Directory for contact information)

The St. Andrew Liturgy Committee is comprised of appointed representatives from different aspects of liturgy, including Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors, Ministers of Hospitality, Servers, Music, Art and Environment, and Clergy, along with two designated at-large members. The committee helps to provide input and oversight of all the liturgical functions and communicate liturgical actions and beliefs to the parish. The committee meets monthly from September through May.

Hospitality Ministry
Contact: Kent Simmons (See your Parish Guide and Directory for contact information)

In the spirit of hospitality, St. Andrew Parish welcomes all to its worshipping community. Just as we will welcome a guest into our own home, St. Andrew welcomes its members and guests. The Greeter Program is active at all weekend Masses.

Contact: Kent Simmons (See your Parish Guide and Directory for contact information)

Adult parishioners gather in the church vestibule prior to and during liturgies to welcome and assist parishioners and visitors and foster an atmosphere of hospitality.

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