KATHY DOWLER | DIRECTOR | 614-451-2855 kdowler@standrewparish.cc
The Parish School of Religion is open to children in grades 1 through 8 who do not attend St. Andrew School. Volunteer teachers are trained as catechists and use approved materials to instruct children in our faith. First through eighth grade students meet on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m.
2024/2025 Registration and Enrollment Material
2024/2025 PSR Calendars
2024/2025 Fees
2024/2025 PSR PARENT HANDBOOK (more info to come)
Second Grade/First Communion Students:
Eighth Grade/Confirmation Students:
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
This Montessori-concept program emphasizes faith formation within a prepared environment called the Atrium. The children work with models of altar materials, infancy narratives, and parables to deepen their relationship with Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Time in the Atrium is scheduled as a regular part of first and second-grade PSR classes. The Catechesis curriculum serves as a supplement for traditional religious education in the school program for children in kindergarten through fourth grade.
Volunteer Opportunities
All volunteers must be compliant with the St. Andrew Safer Environment Policy. For more information, contact Mary Beasecker at mbeasecker@standrewparish.cc.