Volunteer Application

St. Andrew Parish and School Volunteer Application

Contact: Mary Beasecker, Safe Environment Coordinator, mbeasecker@standrewparish.cc, 614-451-4290 ext. 7

Volunteers are an invaluable group of individuals who provide a sense of community for the many parish activities at St. Andrew. To keep all of our activities safe for the youngest of our parishioners, all volunteers are asked complete the Protecting God’s Children Training Program, including this volunteer application. When you’ve completed this form, please hit “submit” at the bottom of the page and the form will be sent to Mary Beasecker, Safe Environment Coordinator. You will be contacted by phone or email if additional information is needed and to confirm your Protecting God’s Children attendance and fingerprinting background check results.

Volunteer Application
First Name
Last Name
Areas where you would like to volunteer
Alcohol or drug abuse?
Mental Illness
Have you ever been arrested?
Have you ever been convicted of child neglect or abuse of any kind, or a felony?
Has your driver’s license ever been suspended or revoked?
Have you ever been on probation?

Questions? Contact Us Today!