
Welcome to St. Andrew Parish.

St. Andrew Parish is a community of Catholics committed to serving God by living our faith. We exist to fulfill the mission of the Roman Catholic Church at the local level by continuing the saving work of Christ. We accomplish this through the celebration of the sacraments, proclaiming and living the Gospel, reaching out to others in justice and charity, and providing all parishioners abundant spiritual, educational, and social opportunities in order to be known as a faith-filled, engaged, and generous parish.

Located in Columbus, Ohio, we are a Catholic Church of more than 2,000 families. The parish includes a preschool, elementary and middle schools, and a parish school of religion for students attending local public schools. St. Andrew Parish offers a vibrant and dynamic spirit that engenders creativity and integration for young and old alike.

It is recognized within the Diocese of Columbus as a parish of leadership and distinction. Whether it is from parishioners who form the nucleus of various diocesan-wide organizations, the reputation of St. Andrew School, our Adult Education and RCIA programs, or events such as our parish festival, St. Andrew Parish is well known and well respected.

At the heart of St. Andrew is the Mass, which is offered daily at 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., and on Saturdays at 9:00 a.m., in addition to the weekend schedule. From this act of faith and worship, we grow as a people of God under Our Lord Jesus Christ. From this relationship, we live as disciples of the Lord and build up the Body of Christ.

This website provides more information about the many opportunities to connect in the life of the parish and to grow spiritually and communally. We hope the information you find here will be helpful. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please contact the Parish Office at 614-451-4290. If you are interested in joining our parish, and live within the parish boundaries, please call our office to register or visit us some weekend at Mass.

Questions? Contact Us Today!