Administrative Leadership

Finance Council
Contact: David Varda,

The 1983 Revised Code of Canon Law (c537) requires the creation of a Parish Finance Council to advise the Pastor in the administration of parish temporalities. The council’s function is to assist the Pastor in the prudent planning and administration of all parish financial matters and to provide effective advice in the management of parish assets.

In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Parish Finance Council must be directed by the values of the Gospel as well as by good business practices. Efficient and effective use and management of parish resources must be measured as much by their contribution to the parish mission and ministry as by commonly accepted business standards.

The council consists of nine lay members who are appointed by the Pastor. Each council member serves a three-year term unless the Pastor requests otherwise. The Finance Council meets approximately six times throughout the year in the Parish Office.

Parish Council
Contact: Gene Perry, 2023-2024 President,

The purpose of the 12-member council is to advise and assist the Pastor in matters of importance to the parish, provide strategic planning, and foster communication and coordination among parish organizations. Members are elected each spring by parishioners and serve three-year terms. The council meets monthly, usually on the third Thursday of the month. Meetings are open to all parish members. All council members are required to complete the Protecting God's Children training program.

To contact any member of the Parish Council, please send an email to


Stewardship of Treasure

Contact: Thomas Conigy, Business Manager, 451-4290, ext. 8

In scripture, we are often reminded to be generous with our time, talent, and treasure. We are called to take care of others, to share what we have, and to return a portion of our gifts and harvest to God. We are reminded to do this with purity of intention and according to our means. Guided by prayer, each Catholic makes a decision to live out their Christian life as a good steward. St. Andrew Parish encourages parishioners to contribute to their parish throughout the year. This allows us to financially meet our daily operational needs and incorporate additional programs into the life of the parish. We have two options available for you to fulfill your stewardship of treasure to our parish and the wider Church:

1. St. Andrew Parish offers Online Giving for those who prefer to initiate donations online. If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving, we encourage you to consider it. Visit our Online Giving webpage for more details, or go directly to the Online Giving website here.

2. The traditional envelope system uses a third-party envelope company to send bi-monthly envelope sets to those not enrolled in Electronic Contributions. Many corporations will match charitable gifts made to religious organizations and elementary schools. Please contact the Human Resources department of your company or call Thomas Conigy for more information.

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