Adult Faith Formation


Tuesday Evening Bible Study Fall 2024

This bible study program allows participants to grow closer to Christ and His Church by studying Sacred Scripture. This weekly program combines individual study (optional), small group discussions, and DVD lectures.

  • REVELATION: THE KINGDOM YET TO COME shows how the kingdom established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven. Study presenter Jeff Cavins pulls back the veil on the rich symbolism present in Revelation. Discover what the mysterious figures and images of Revelation mean and see how Revelation is more than an apocalyptic vision of the “end times.” Explore the Church’s teaching on the second coming of Christ and the Last Judgment. Understand how God, the Divine Bridegroom, and the Church, his spotless bride, enter into a heavenly, holy, and mystical marriage every time we celebrate Mass. This is an 11-week study begins Tuesday, Sept. 3 and continues through Tuesday, Nov. 12. Each evening session includes a small group discussion of the weekly study questions (from an optional but recommended study guide) and a video presentation with expert commentary. CLICK HERE if interested in purchasing the optional study materials and online access.

Walking with Purpose (WWP) Fall 2024

WWP a women’s ministry with a mission to help every Catholic woman encounter Jesus Christ through bible study. WWP bible studies combine personal study and small group discussions that are designed to connect everyday challenges with solutions found in the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Weekly group sessions are held on Wednesdays beginning in September 2024.

  • Opening Your Heart is a 22-week bible study for those who are new to WWP. Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 11, we will offer a daytime session from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room, and an evening session from 7:30-9:00 p.m. at the Bryce Eck Center.
  • Reclaiming Friendship is a six-week study for women who have already completed Opening Your Heart. Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 11, we will meet from 7:30-9:00 p.m. at the Bryce Eck Center. In November, we will introduce Rooted and Radiant (more details to come).

For more information and to register, CLICK HERE or send an email to

That Man is You! The Vision of Man Fully Alive Fall 2024

This interactive men’s video-based program combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families and greater society. Join us at the Bryce Eck Center on Saturday Mornings, 6:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. Virtual attendance is available. For complete details, CLICK HERE or visit the THAT MAN IS YOU! website at

Legion of Mary

Contact: Jane Horner (See your Parish Guide and Directory for contact information)

St. Andrew members of the Legion of Mary meet to pray the Rosary and report on Legion related work on Friday mornings, immediately following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, in the Bryce Eck Activity Center Vrable Library or at an alternate location for the convenience of members.


Contact: Emily Jaminet,

The OCIA program (formerly referred to as RCIA) is offered for non-Catholics who may want to join the Catholic Church and Catholics who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. Sessions are held on Wednesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., Fall through Spring and include prayer, fellowship, and instruction. Adult Catholics who have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation are also invited to participate, and parish members are always welcome to attend.

Questions? Contact Us Today!