Social Justice & Community Outreach

Advent Giving Tree

During the Christmas season, this group provides parishioners the opportunity to support four organizations, including:

  • St. Stephens Community House
  • Christ Child Society – newborn layette items to mothers in distress
  • Missionaries of Charity – food items to Mother Theresa’s order in Jenkins, KY
  • St. James the Less Parish and School in Columbus, OH

Open Shelter Dinner
Contact: Parish Office, 614-451-4290

St. Andrew Parish families provide a well-balanced, warm meal to the homeless people who come to the Open Shelter for assistance. The dinner usually includes baked ham, green bean casserole, potato salad/cheesy potato casserole, tossed salad, bread, milk, bananas and cookies. This lovely dinner is delivered and served to the Open Shelter clients on the fourth Thursday of each month, September through May, at 5:15 p.m., excluding November and December. (Dinner is provided on another evening in those months.) Meals are currently being served at the Broad Street United Methodist Church.

Respect Life Society
Contact: Parish Office, 614-451-4290

The St. Andrew Respect Life Society is committed to promoting the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. We strive to achieve our goal through prayer, education and action. We have a variety of programs throughout the year. The group does not hold regularly scheduled meetings and communicates primarily via email and telephone. Notices of all of our events are posted in the Parish bulletin, the website calendar and e-Post.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
Contact: Parish Office, 614-451-4290 ext. 1

The St. Andrew Chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is part of an international organization founded in 1833 whose Mission is to form “A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.” Vincentians meet with those in need in our parish area, often helping with rent, utilities, and other expenses. Our funding comes from parishioner donations. We send Christmas and Easter cards to homebound and nursing home parishioners, collect food for the St. James the Less Pantry, make sandwiches for the needy who come to St. Lawrence Haven, and collect clothing items for those who visit the SVDP Clothing Center. Our parishioners assist us during clothing drives in Autumn and Summer, and a personal hygiene item collection during Lent. Vincentians can choose to participate in all or just a few of our activities.

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